Giuseppe Perelli


workDept. of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome

Building E, Room E106

Viale Regina Elena 295, 00161 Roma (RM)

I am Assistant Professor (RTD-B) at Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Roma, La Sapienza.

My research interests regard many aspects of Formal Methods for Artificial Intelligence. In particular, I work on verification and synthesis for multi-agent systems, knowledge representation, strategic reasoning, logics, games, and automata theory.

In 2023, I received the “Marco Somalvico” Young Researcher Award from the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence as best under 37 Italian researchers who autonomously contributed to advance the state-of-the-art in the field.

In 2012, I received the 3+2 Award from the Italian Association for Logics and its Applications, for Best Master Thesis in Logics.

Selected Talks

  • From Synthesis to Rational Synthesis: A Logic-Based Approach to Multi-Agent Systems
  • Trace Alignment and Timed-Trace Alignment: An Automata-Based Approach
  • Logics for Multi-Agent Systems Verification
    • 15/12/2015: Seminar Talk, Imperial College London
  • Strategy Logic: A Powerful Formalism for Game-Theoretic Issues
    • 24/11/2014: Seminar Talk, University of California Santa Cruz
  • Le Logiche Temporali e di Strategia nell’Ambito della Verifica Formale
    • 05/04/2013: 2013 SeLP Meeting, University of Naples ‘Federico II’


Jul 23, 2024 Abstract accepted at ActSynt’24! See you in Santiago de Compostela! :es:
Jul 22, 2024 Abstract accepted at ICTCS’24! See you in Turin! :it:
Jul 11, 2024 Paper accepted at KR’24!
Jul 10, 2024 Two abstracts accepted at AAPEI’24! See you in Santiago de Compostela! :es:
Jul 04, 2024 Paper accepted at ECAI’24! See you in Santiago de Compostela! :es:
Jul 03, 2024 Paper accepted at ISoLA’24!
Apr 18, 2024 Paper accepted at IJCAI’24!
Mar 18, 2024 Course on “Game-Theoretic Approach to Temporal Synthesis” accepted at ESSAI’24! See you in Athens! :greece:

selected publications

  1. TOCL
    Reasoning about Quality and Fuzziness of Strategic Behaviours.
  2. AIJ
    Automated Temporal Equilibrium Analysis: Verification and Synthesis of Multi-Player Games.
  3. TOCL
    Reasoning about Strategies: On the Model-Checking Problem.
    Mogavero, FabioMurano, AnielloPerelli, Giuseppe, and Vardi, Moshe
  4. KR-24
    Incentive Design for Rational Agents.
    In 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR 2024
  5. KR-22
    Automatic Synthesis of Dynamic Norms for Multi-Agent Systems.
    In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) 2022
  6. AAMAS-19
    Enforcing Equilibria in Multi-Agent Systems.
    Perelli, Giuseppe
    In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, AAMAS ’19, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 13-17, 2019 2019